Tax on Legal Services Removed from State Budget

Written Thursday, June 27, 2019

On June 26, 2019, Governor Ned Lamont signed the most recent biennial state budget into law.  The approved two-year budget does not include a sales tax on legal services as originally recommended by the governor.  As you know, the CBA strongly opposed the proposal as it would unnecessarily tax people in times of their greatest need.

We submitted joint letters from the Connecticut Council of Bar Presidents, a group comprised of the presidents of Connecticut’s more than 35 voluntary bar associations representing 20,000 Connecticut attorneys, and 14 past presidents of the Connecticut Bar Association to Governor Lamont opposing the proposed tax on legal services.  Many of you contacted your state representatives and state senators to express your opposition to the tax and I provided testimony on behalf of the CBA, and all attorneys in the state. 

Thank you all for your efforts in response to our call for action. We all know the ramifications a sales tax on legal services would have on our profession and the public’s access to justice.  

The CBA remains committed to serving as your voice at the capitol, fighting for the interests of all attorneys, enhancing the practice of law, and improving the administration of and access to justice.  It is through your continued support and membership that we are able to take on the issues important to our profession.  Again, thank you for your support.  We will keep fighting for all of you.

Jonathan M. Shapiro
2018-2019 CBA President