Daniel J. Horgan Assumes the Office of President of the Connecticut Bar Association

Written Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Daniel J. Horgan - original

Daniel J. Horgan has assumed the office of president of the Connecticut Bar Association (CBA). Hon. Cecil J. Thomas resigned from the position as a formal requirement of the association’s bylaws due to the finalization of his confirmation as a Connecticut Superior Court judge.

“On behalf of the CBA, I want to thank Judge Thomas for his enormous contributions to the association during his time as president,” stated President Horgan. “His unrelenting commitment and time devoted to growing our membership by adding quality services, benefits, and educational programming has solidified the CBA’s status as the premier bar association in Connecticut.”

President Horgan is the 99th president of the association and will serve for the remainder of the 2021-2022 bar year, as well as the 2022-2023 bar year. All other officers of the board will retain their current positions for the remainder of the 2021-2022 bar year.