Top 10 Issues Impacting Subchapter V Bankruptcies (ECB211014-1B)

Thursday, October 14, 2021

11:10 AM to 12:25 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

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About the Program

This presentation will explore the top ten issues impacting Subchapter V Bankruptcies by focusing on important distinctions between the Subchapter V rules and traditional Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. The panelists will then examine a hypothetical Subchapter V Bankruptcy case to highlight some issues raised by recent cases as well as identify issues that have yet to be fully defined by the courts. 

You Will Learn

  • The potential benefits to clients of taking advantage of Subchapter V
  • How to identify important procedural differences in Subchapter V Bankruptcy
  • How to issue spot potential future developments in Subchapter V law
  • How to apply Subchapter V Bankruptcy rules to a Plan of Reorganization 

Who Should Attend

This program is appropriate for newly admitted through seasoned bankruptcy attorneys who represent debtors, creditors, or other parties of interest who may be involved in a Subchapter V Bankruptcy proceeding.  

CLE Credit: 1.25 CT (General); 1.5 NY (AOP) 


Connecticut_bankruptcy_color3 Chief Judge Ann M. Nevins
U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Connecticut, New Haven

Harrington_William William K. Harrington
Office of the United States Trustee, Boston, MA

Joanna Kornafel Joanna M. Kornafel
Green & Sklarz LLC, New Haven

kevin mceleney Kevin J. McEleney
Updike Kelly & Spellacy PC, Hartford

Kara Rescia Kara S. Rescia
Rescia Law PC, Enfield