• Mar 12
    The Use of Investigators in Litigation Matters (EDU250312)
    Webinar- CLE Pass Eligible
    Wednesday, Mar 12 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Investigations by lawyers are an essential element of most litigation matters. Lawyers investigate the opposing parties and the facts underlying the case using third-party investigators, researching public records, interviewing witnesses and sometimes by conducting surveillance. Additionally, lawyers sometimes need to investigate their own clients or witnesses to a case. Lawyers may need more information about their own clients to assure themselves of the truthfulness of certain representations or if the lawyer suspects the client may be actively misleading the lawyer. Also, obtaining information about a witness can be essential in helping a lawyer prepare their strategy. Additionally, attorneys practicing corporate, M&A and bankruptcy often need due diligence information about their clients’ potential partners or new management teams. It’s important for the lawyers to know what information is relevant and where they can go to obtain that information. Some due diligence information is available nationwide, but other types of information is only available on a state by state or even county by county, basis. It is vital for attorneys to understand that there are limits to how an investigation is conducted. Ethics rules make it clear what lawyers can say and do, and they also outline what investigators can do on the attorney’s behalf. This presentation will provide attorneys with a strong understanding of the ethical issues involved in conducting investigations.

  • Mar 12
    Motley Speaker Series| Past, Present and Future Impact of the History of Slavery in CT: Part 1-Past
    Wednesday, Mar 12 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    During this multi-part series, attendees will explore the history of slavery in Connecticut through a legal lens. During this first part of the series, attendees will discuss the history of slavery and its legality in the northern/New England states in the antebellum period, the early abolition movement, the economic impact of slavery during this time, and Connecticut’s gradual emancipation law, which resulted in slavery continuing in Connecticut as late as 1848, when there were only a handful of persons enslaved in the state. Later events in the multi-part series will examine the ways that the present legal sphere was shaped by CT’s history of slavery and explore current and future initiatives engaging with that history.

  • Mar 13
    1031 Exchange Advanced Hot Topics for 2025 – Reverse, Partnership and Misc. Others (EDU250313)
    Webinar- CLE Pass Eligible
    Thursday, Mar 13 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Attendees will learn the mechanics of reverse/improvement exchanges, partnership issues, mortgage issues, seller financing and deadline postponements.

  • Mar 20
    Lawyers Have Heart: The Importance of Cardiovascular Health for the Legal Profession (EWL250213)
    Webinar - CLE Pass Eligible
    Thursday, Mar 20 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Join us for some pre-seminar networking and light food provided by Casa Mia at the Hawthorne Inn. Following the networking session, Dr. Stephanie Saucier, a distinguished Cardiologist with Hartford Healthcare who is renowned for her dedication to advancing heart health awareness will provide instruction on the importance of preventative care and healthy living. Dr. Saucier will demystify the complexities of cardiovascular care. Dr. Saucier will discuss the roles of pharmaceutical and life-style intervention on cardiovascular health, including the importance of diabetes and cholesterol management, diagnostic testing, and consultation with a cardiologist to manage individual cardiovascular health.

  • Mar 21
    Justice for All: The Present and Future Impact of Legal Aid in Connecticut (EDU250321)
    UConn School of Law, William F. Starr Hall, Reading Room
    55 Elizabeth Street

    Friday, Mar 21 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    The 2025 Justice for All symposium will explore the progress made in addressing the civil access to justice gap in Connecticut since 2014, the current efforts of Connecticut’s legal aid programs to advance access to justice, including the impact and outcomes achieved through Connecticut’s two current right to counsel programs, and consider the future of legal aid in Connecticut, including anticipated challenges, and opportunities for innovation and collaborative partnerships.

  • Mar 27
    2025 Annual Advanced Labor and Employment Law Symposium (ELE250327)
    Grassy Hill Country Club
    441 Clark Lane
    United States
    Thursday, Mar 27 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Join us for the premier Labor and Employment Law Symposium in Connecticut, which will cover a wide range of topics, including ethics, NLRB updates, wage and hour, free speech, expert depositions, and labor law updates.

  • Mar 27
    CANCELLED: Unregulated Title Insurance Alternatives: Attorney Opinion Letters (EYL250327)
    Webinar- CLE Pass Eligible
    Thursday, Mar 27 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Some lenders have begun accepting Attorney Opinion Letters (AOL) in lieu of Title Insurance to lower borrower’s cost. This program will dive into the requirements and risks in delivering an AOL in lieu of Title Insurance.

  • Mar 28
    How to Avoid Disciplinary Problems (EPE250328)
    CBA Law Center
    538 Preston Ave., 3rd Floor
    Meriden, Connecticut
    United States
    Friday, Mar 28 12:00 PM to 3:15 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Join us for a powerful ethics presentation. This program, presented by some of the leaders in the legal ethics community will cover various areas of ethics including the disciplinary process, the cases most likely to lead to bar discipline, beginning and ending the attorney client relationship, conflicts of interest, and managing one’s IOLTA account.

  • Mar 31
    Structuring Healthcare Practices: Understanding Practice Structures & the Business Side of Medicine
    Quinnipiac School of Law, Pond View Lounge and Virtual – CLE Pass Eligible
    370 Bassett Road, Pond View Lounge
    North Haven

    Monday, Mar 31 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Attorney Gregory J. Pepe will present on various legal constructs governing healthcare practices, with a focus on frequently used business structures and necessary legal elements of initiating a healthcare practice. Topics will include the hospital-based models, the increasing interest of venture capital groups in acquiring practices, and how that brushes up against Connecticut’s prohibition of the corporate practice of medicine restrictions in Connecticut, and other key compliance considerations.

  • Apr 01
    Recent Developments in IP Law (EYL250401)
    Webinar - CLE Pass Eligible
    Tuesday, Apr 1 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    This seminar will examine recent developments in IP law.

  • Apr 11
    Ethical Considerations in Residential Real Estate Closings (ERP250411)
    CBA Law Center
    538 Preston Ave., 3rd Floor

    Friday, Apr 11 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Join us at the CBA Law Center for a light lunch and an exciting ethics presentation by a learned panel who will review the Rules of Professional Conduct with special focus on attorney’s fees, conflicts of interest, representation of multiple parties, rules regarding the IOLTA Account and dealing with unrepresented parties. In addition, the rules and statutes concerning the Unauthorized Practice of Law will be addressed.

  • Apr 17
    Financial Wellness for Lawyers (ELW250417)
    Webinar- CLE Pass Eligible
    Thursday, Apr 17 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Balancing life as a lawyer is hard enough, let alone figuring out the money. So, Jessica Medina, lawyer turned Accredited Financial Counselor, will be offering strategies for evaluating your finances that don't involve tracking every single expense every single day. She'll share tips on how to make the most of your financial position no matter where you are on your financial journey. And she'll provide a framework that lets you stop budgeting and finally bring balance to your money -- you'll get all the necessary stuff covered while leaving room for the luxuries, however you define them.

  • Apr 22
    FOIA: The Law and Making a Request (EYL250422)
    Webinar - CLE Pass Eligible
    Tuesday, Apr 22 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    This seminar will cover Connecticut’s Freedom of Information Act, including the purpose, function and making a request pursuant to the Act. Join our panel of highly experienced Connecticut legal practitioners as they explain this important body of law and how to navigate the request process on a practical level.

  • Apr 23
    HR Law Basics for Solo and Small Firms (ELE250423)
    Hawthorne Inn
    2421 Berlin Tpke

    Wednesday, Apr 23 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Learn from experienced employment lawyers about managing your law firm from a human resources perspective and learn best HR practices for solo attorneys and small firms.

  • Apr 30
    State of Affairs in Immigration: Truths, Updates, and Resources (EIS250430)
    Webinar - CLE Pass Eligible
    Wednesday, Apr 30 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    The state of affairs in U.S. immigration is a dynamic and complex issue, shaped by shifting policies, political debates, and global events. It involves the movement of people across borders, driven by reasons such as economic opportunity, conflict, and family reunification. Immigration realities can change rapidly based on shifts in administrative policy, laws and regulations in the United States.

  • May 01
    Effective Advocacy and Management in Arbitration: Managing a Successful Arbitration for Litigators
    Hawthorne Inn
    2421 Berlin Tpk.
    United States
    Thursday, May 1 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    This one-day institute is programmed to help litigators to understand the process, practice and procedure of arbitration to become better equipped and able to secure their client’s needs. This program is for Lawyers who anticipate needing to know, with more detail and specificity, the process of commercial arbitration from inception and filing through conclusion of the process.

  • May 02
    More Effective Writing Makes More Effective Lawyers (EDU250502)
    Friday, May 2 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Knowing the law is essential – but so is being able to communicate about it. Join writing coach and former attorney Rick Horowitz for a lively and practical session that will reintroduce you to your legal-writing toolbox, including a few tools you didn't know were in there.

  • May 07
    Succession Planning: The Path Out (EDU250507)
    Webinar - CLE Pass Eligible
    Wednesday, May 7 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Whether you are a new attorney, attorney in the middle of your career, or an attorney nearing the end of your career, succession planning is a must. Our experienced panel will cover succession/transitioning for solo/small firms and mid-to larger firms touching on policies regarding timing, monetization, pitfalls, etc. In addition, ethical considerations and insurance considerations will be covered.

  • May 18
    2025 Workers’ Compensation Retreat (SWC250518)
    Casa Monica Resort & Spa
    99 Cordova Street
    St. Augustine

    Sunday, May 18 6:00 PM to 12:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Join us at the Casa Monica Resort & Spa in the heart of St. Augustine, FL, the oldest city in the U.S., for two days of education on workers’ compensation law. The seminar is geared for workers’ compensation practitioners to hone their legal skills and understanding of specific areas of the law.

  • Jun 13
    2025 Connecticut Legal Conference
    Connecticut Convention Center
    100 Columbus Blvd.

    Friday, Jun 13 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)
    Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities

    The Connecticut Legal Conference (CLC) is the CBA’s preeminent event comprised of dozens of engaging CLE seminars, an exhibitor showcase, networking opportunities, and the CBA Annual Meeting and Luncheon. Come celebrate with us at this year's Connecticut Legal Conference, where we will kick off the CBA's 150th Anniversary Celebration!