CBA members receive special opportunities and discounts from numerous providers, allowing them access to the resources needed to achieve their goals as a practitioner.

Featured Member Benefits

ABA Retirment Funds 400x200
Tracers 400x200
Omnizant 400x200
Infoshred 400x200

CBA Resources and Services

The CBA provides a variety of resources and services to members to help them grow as practitioners and advance the legal profession.

Financial Resources

The CBA offers members a variety of services and special pricing to assist them with their personal and law firm finances and payment processing.

Law Practice Management Resources

CBA members are eligible to receive special opportunities and discounts from numerous providers, allowing you access to the resources needed to achieve your goals as a practitioner.

Law Practice Management Technology

CBA members are eligible to receive special opportunities and discounts from numerous technology providers, allowing you access to the services needed to achieve your goals as a practitioner.

All CBA Member Benefits

View our complete list of CBA member benefits.

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Discount Providers

The CBA has established relationships with businesses to offer discounts for our members on a variety of goods and services.

Insurance and Retirement Programs

CBA members have access to insurance and retirement programs through established partnerships with preferred providers.

Law Practice Management Software

CBA members can purchase a variety of law practice management software, at a discounted rate, to help them succeed as a solo or small firm practitioner.

Research and Education Resources

The following providers offer research and education resources for CBA members to assist them in their work and professional development.

Apply to be a CBA Member Benefit

Applications open in July.

Learn More