The CBA wishes to further encourage and increase the active involvement of young lawyers, lawyers who no longer qualify for membership in the Young Lawyers Section, and diverse lawyers in the leadership and activities of CBA sections. The goal of the CBA Presidential Fellows Program is to provide such lawyers with an opportunity to become more involved in the substantive work of CBA sections, further develop their leadership abilities, and promote the section to other members of the YLS and the bar.
Presidential Fellows will:
- Serve on the executive committee of their selected section as ex-officio members
- Be assigned to work with a senior executive committee member who will serve as a coach and help expose the Fellow to all aspects of committee membership
- Attend section meetings
- Become involved in a section project
- Present at a section meeting
- Serve as a section ambassador to the Young Lawyers Section (along with the Young Lawyers Section Chair) to promote membership and participation of other young, transitioning, and diverse lawyers
- Receive a waiver of all fees for section membership and attendance at section meetings
Fellowship appointments are prestigious and we expect a competitive application process for interested members. Each appointment will be for a period of two (2) years. However, if a Fellow fails to attend meetings and actively participate in the section activities, their appointment may not be renewed for a second year.
Learn More
Read Bridget C. Gallagher's article "
Expand Your Leadership Potential: Apply for the CBA Presidential Fellows Program" from the 2023 May/June issue of
CT Lawyer magazine for more information about the program.