2C - Untangling Federal FMLA, CT FMLA, and CT Paid Leave (ELE230330-2C)

Thursday, March 30, 2023

11:40 AM to 12:55 PM

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Presented by the Labor & Employment Law Section


About the Program

Connecticut employers and employees are subject to a tangled web of various employment leave laws. This seminar focuses primarily on three of those laws and programs: the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Connecticut state Family and Medical Leave Act (CT FMLA) as recently amended, and Connecticut’s new Paid Family and Medical Leave insurance program (Connecticut Paid Leave or CTPL). The seminar summarizes the basics of those laws, discusses how they interact with each other, and is focused on exploring those interactions through case study examples to help attendees untangle them where they overlap. The program is intended to be interactive, with the panel field questions from the audience.

You Will Learn

  • The basic provisions of FMLA, CT FMLA and CTPL (e.g., coverage, eligibility, qualification, benefits, protections, requirements).
  • How those laws are consistent or inconsistent.
  • How to apply those laws in situations where they may apply and how to resolve conflicts or potential conflicts.

Who Should Attend

Attorneys and human resources professionals interested in learning more about Connecticut leave laws.

CLE Credit

CT: 1.25 CLE Credits (General)
NY: 1.5 CLE Credits (AOP)

The Connecticut Bar Association/CT Bar Institute is an accredited provider of New York State CLE. This program qualifies for newly admitted and experienced attorneys CLE credits. 

Attorneys seeking NY CLE credit who have been admitted to the New York State Bar for two years or less must attend the live seminar for skills or ethics credit, a fully interactive videoconference, or simultaneous transmission with synchronous interactivity. Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias CLE credits are only available as non-transitional credits. For further information please see the NYCourts.gov page on CLE: http://ww2.nycourts.gov/attorneys/cle/index.shtml. 


paula_n_anthony1 Paula N. Anthony
Littler Mendelson PC, New Haven

Heidi_Lane1 Heidi Lane
State of Connecticut - Department of Labor, Wethersfield

rothgeb_nicole1 Nicole M. Rothgeb
Livingston Adler Pulda Meiklejohn & Kelly PC, Hartford


Kyle McClain1 Kyle A. McClain
Zangari Cohn Cuthbertson Duhl & Grello PC, Hartford