A06 - The Symbiotic Relationship of Self-Care and Productivity (2023CLC-A06)

Monday, June 5, 2023

9:00 AM to 10:00 AM

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Current Topics Track

Presented by the Lawyer Well-Being Committee

About the Program

Lawyers (and our clients) place a premium on productivity, but what is often overlooked is that for us to be most productive, we must exercise self-care. This program will examine the relationship between self-care and productivity, provide tools to help attorneys be more productive and facilitate self-care, and share ways to educate clients on the benefits of reasonable deadlines, focused work, (i.e. not responding to emails in a nano second) and lawyers who exercise self-care.

You Will Learn

What productivity means  
Why self-care is vital to being our most productive selves  
Tools to help us exercise greater self-care and be more productive  
Tips to get client buy-in

Who Should Attend

Attorneys interested in improving their productivity.

CLE Credit

CT: 1.0 CLE Credit (Ethics)


Tanyee Cheung Tanyee Cheung
Finn Dixon & Herling LLP, Stamford