RP03 FIRPTA (Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act) (2021CLC)

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (Eastern Daylight Time)

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The Real Property/Environmental Law Track  

Presented by the Real Property Section 

About the Program

FIRPTA is the IRS acronym for the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act, 26 USC Sect. 897. It is becoming more common for foreign persons to own property in the United States. While there are no prohibitions on non-US citizens holding title to real property, when those owners sell, they are subject to the same capital gains taxes as US citizens pay. Sellers and buyers, and their attorneys, need to know what to expect when dealing with a foreign seller and how to comply with the act’s requirements that are imposed on the parties in the real estate transaction. 

You Will Learn

  • Why it is important to know about FIRPTA 
  • What types of real property transactions are subject to IRS tax withholding requirements 
  • What is required to comply with FIRPTA 

Who Should Attend

Attorneys whose practice includes representing clients who buy and sell real estate. 

CLE Credit

1.0 CT (General); 1.0 NY (AOP) 


David Veleber1 David S. Veleber
Connecticut Attorneys Title Insurance Company, Hartford

Bruce Zowodniak1 Bruce A. Zawodniak
Connecticut Attorneys Title Insurance Company, Hartford