TEST B01 The Path Out: Succession Planning and Leaving the Practice of Law

Friday, December 25, 2020

11:20 AM to 12:20 PM

Location: Cityside | Room 22

The President’s Track
B01 The Path Out: Succession Planning and Leaving the Practice of Law
Session B: 11:20 a.m.- 12:20 p.m.

About the Program

What would happen to your practice or firm in the event of your death or incapacitation? Do you have a succession plan in place? Are you prepared? Some lawyers die at their desks, leaving the cleanup to their partners, other lawyers or family members. Other lawyers wind down their practices and close the doors. But, there is another alternative that may be the best choice - that is to develop a succession plan under which you can retire gracefully on your own terms, while transitioning the law practice to a successor. In this seminar, you will learn about the challenges attorneys face in closing or transitioning their practices, and how to properly plan for the inevitable.

You Will Learn

  • About the challenges attorneys face in closing or transitioning their practices
  • How to properly plan for the inevitable


Jonathan M. Shapiro, Shapiro Law Offices LLC, Middletown


Mark A. Dubois, Geraghty & Bonnano LLC, New London
Kara A.T. Murphy, Tierney Zullo Flaherty & Murphy PC, Norwalk
Carmine P
. Perri/Paul T. Czepiga, Czepiga Daly Pope & Perri, Berlin

CLE Credit: 1.0 Hours (CT: 1.0 Gen; NY: 1.0 LPM)


Emanuel TEST - Andrew Jones
Doe, Jones and Smith

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Sergei Lemberg Sergei Lemberg
Lemberg Law LLC, Wilton

James-W-Bergenn James W. Bergenn
Shipman & Goodwin LLP, Hartford