Thursday, April 15, 2021

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

Zoom Video Meeting

United States

22 people have already registered for this event.

  • Christina Mohr
  • Amy Meyerson
  • Amani Edwards
  • Erin O'Neil-Baker
  • Claire Howard
  • Michael Kelley
  • Sara Dickson
  • Jennifer Stevens
  • Joshua Devine
  • Alison Sclater
  • Cassandra Dulepski
  • Daniel Horgan
  • Marguerite Friar
  • Elizabeth Hartery
  • Carol DeJohn
  • John Mooney
  • Charlotte Ricketts
  • Keith Soressi
  • Sarah Summons
  • Marc Finer
  • Cecil Thomas
  • Kyle LaBuff

The CBA offers multiple ways for you to get involved in pro bono, so that you can experience the rewards of helping fellow Connecticut residents who are facing difficult legal challenges, while meeting your ethical responsibilities under Rule of Professional Conduct 6.1.  Whether you have one hour or twenty, there is a CBA pro bono program that is right for you!  Join us on April 15, 2021 at 12:00 pm for a virtual lunch and learn about CBA Pro Bono Connect, CT Free Legal Answers, Virtual Legal Clinics, and the Lawyers in the Libraries programs. Our esteemed panel will explain each of the programs, demonstrate how to navigate the CBA’s pro bono platforms, and answer your pressing questions about volunteering for pro bono legal representation through the CBA. 


Hon Cecil J Thomas1 Hon. Cecil J. Thomas
Connecticut Superior Court, Norwich

Amani_Headshot (150x150) Amani R. Edwards
CBA Director of Diversity & Human Resources, New Britain, CT

marc_finer Marc T. Finer
Murtha Cullina LLP, Hartford

kyle labuff Kyle LaBuff
Connecticut Division of Criminal Justice, Bridgeport


erin oneil baker Erin O’Neil-Baker
CBA Secretary; O’Neil Baker Law LLC, Hartford


Member Service Center