Stay Connected: Return to the Office, Not to Old Tech (EYL210505)

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)


Presented by LEAP Legal Software and the Young Lawyers Section 

About the Program

Law firms adopted new technology to stay connected during stay-home orders, quarantines, and state capacity restrictions. Law firms continue to benefit from newly implemented tools even after returning to the office.

Join attorney Ryan Groff for a conversation with Cindy Cieslak, Chair of the Young Lawyers Section at the Connecticut Bar Association.

You Will Learn

  • What changed when law firms closed?
    • Why did firms adopt technology pre-COVID?
    • What happened during COVID?
    • Collaboration with colleagues and clients
  • What policies should law firms adopt to return to the office?
    • What health concerns need to be addressed related to COVID?
    • What health concerns need to be addressed related to lawyer and employee well-being?
    • What security concerns need to be addressed?
    • In what areas should new policies be developed in order to promote efficiency and time management?
  • What technology keeps law firms connected?
    • Internal messaging
    • One version of the truth with true-cloud document sharing
    • Access anywhere on any device
    • One software for everything, from intake to online payments

Who Should Attend

All members of the Connecticut Bar Association, especially lawyers interested in practice management. 


(Includes electronic materials. If the seminar is recorded, all paying registrants will receive complimentary access to the recording approximately six weeks after the program.)
Member $25 
Non-Member $50
Student Member $15


Cindy_Cieslak Cindy M. Cieslak
Rose Kallor LLP, Hartford

Ryan Groff Ryan Groff
LEAP Legal Software, Boston, MA

CLE Credit

CT: 1.0 CLE Credit (General)


Member Service Center
Phone: (844)469-2221