CBA Pro Bono Connect allows volunteer attorneys to connect with legal service providers to receive a pro bono case referral, and offers volunteers relevant, on-demand trainings to prepare for pro bono representation.

CBA Pro Bono Connect

Sign Up | Take the Pledge

Join the Pro Bono Volunteer List, which will be used by legal aid providers and other nonprofit organizations to connect volunteer attorneys to a person in need of legal assistance.

Sign Up Now

As you are completing the sign-up form, you will notice the option to take the Pro Bono Pledge.

The Pro Bono Pledge
is a personal commitment to take at least one pro bono referral per year in each of your selected areas of interest. If you take the pledge, you will be able to access on-demand webinar training videos and supporting materials, relevant to the case referral preferences you selected, at no cost to you

Get Trained

If you take the Pro Bono Pledge during sign-up, you will receive FREE access to relevant CLE trainings and educational materials under the "My Learning Section" when you are logged into the Education Portal

Alternatively, you may pay to access the trainings. All of the revenue generated from these trainings is designated to the Connecticut Bar Foundation to benefit Connecticut’s legal services providers.

Get Training

Topics include eviction and foreclosure defense, emergency custody hearings, domestic violence protective and restraining orders, introductions to immigration law, immigration detention and bond hearings, consumer bankruptcy, auto repossessions, and Veterans Administration benefits

Get Connected

A legal aid provider in your pro bono are of interest and geographic area will contact you to connect you to a person in need of legal assistance.

Malpractice Insurance

The CBA does not provide any insurance coverage for CBA Pro Bono Connect, including but not limited to malpractice and liability insurance.  However, Connecticut’s legal services providers may offer malpractice insurance with a pro bono referral. You will need to inquire with the legal aid organizations on how their malpractice coverage applies to your pro bono services for projects sponsored by them. Many of Connecticut’s legal aid programs provide malpractice coverage with a case referral.  You will have the opportunity to discuss this with the referring legal aid organization before deciding to accept the referral.


If you have any questions, please contact