(From Left to Right) Connecticut Supreme Court Associate Justices Nora R. Dannehy, Steven D. Ecker, Gregory T. D’Auria, Andrew J. McDonald, Raheem L. Mullins, and Joan K. Alexander.
On the morning of June 7, 36 new attorneys were sworn into the Connecticut Bar during a ceremony held inside the Connecticut State Library and Supreme Court Building. Connecticut Supreme Court Associate Justices Joan K. Alexander, Nora R. Dannehy, Gregory T. D’Auria, Steven D. Ecker, Andrew J. McDonald, and Raheem L. Mullins presided over the day’s ceremony.
Senior Associate Justice Andrew J. McDonald provided welcome remarks for the event before Associate Justice Nora R. Dennehy gave a brief speech recognizing and congratulating the new admittees on their achievement. During her speech, she noted the need for lawyers and judges to be diverse, competent, and independent. “Competence goes beyond knowing what the law is and applying it to the facts at hand,” stated Justice Dennehy. “It includes the judgement you will exercise as attorneys and the way in which you will practice. The phrase civility comes to mind. It is imperative that you as lawyers and we as judges treat people, whether clients, lawyers on the other side of a case, or litigants who appear before the court with respect and civility.”
Inductees took the oath of attorney and the oath of commissioner of superior court before presenting themselves as attorneys before the court.
CBA Past President and Connecticut Bar Examining Committee Member Frederic S. Ury presented the motion to admit the successful candidates to the bar. The oath of attorney was administered by Connecticut Supreme Court Chief Clerk Carl Cicchetti and the oath of commissioner of superior court was administered by Associate Justice Gregory T. D’Auria after which each inductee individually presented themselves as attorneys before the court. At the end of the ceremony, CBA President Maggie Castinado provided a welcome speech to the new attorneys. “The profession of law is a calling, but with the practice of law comes an awesome responsibility,” stated President Castinado. “It is a rigorous and demanding profession that expects much of you. It is a calling and the greatest opportunity to help people, to help our county, and help the world.”
CBA President Maggie Castinado provided a welcome speech to the newly admitted attorneys.
Following the admission of the new attorneys, all the events attendees were invited to attend a reception held in the Museum of Connecticut History, where they were able to meet with representatives from the Connecticut Bar Association Young Lawyers Section and other bar associations from across Connecticut.
(From Left to Right) CBA Young Lawyers Section members Olivia Benson, Andrew Glass, Nicole Fluckiger, and Vianca Malick