CTL Cover - Vol 28 No 5 Volume 28, Number 5

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  • Celebrate with the Stars: A Sold-out Success By Leanna Zwiebel
    The CBA's annual awards celebration, "Celebrate with the Stars," was a resounding success. Learn about the inspiring speeches along with the night's festivities in this recap.
  • Four Key Lessons from Making a Murderer By Aaron Keller
    The hit Netflix docuseries Making a Murderer introduced millions to the prosecutions of Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey. In this article, investigative reporter and attorney, Aaron Keller, discusses real legal lessons for attorneys as learned in the these cases.
  • Blockchain for Blockheads By Suzanne Brown Walsh
    Blockchain is more transformative than e-mail was and, admittedly, a bit harder to grasp. Learn the basics of blockchain and how it is already changing and shaping the future of business and industry.
  • 2018 Connecticut Legal Conference Earn Your 12 MCLE Credits with This Event On Monday, June 11 at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, the CBA will host the largest annual gathering of legal professionals in the state. It's a day of seminars, events, and networking not to be missed! Conference Schedule 2018-2019 CBA Officers CLE Seminars At-A-Glance CLE Seminar Information
