Energy, Public Utility and Communications Law Section (SPU191021)

Monday, October 21, 2019

5:30 PM to 7:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

UConn School of Law

55 Elizabeht St., Starr Reading Room, Hartford, Connecticut, United States

6 people have already registered for this event.

  • Kathryn Boucher
  • Alexander Judd
  • Lynn Fountain
  • Jennifer Galiette
  • Andrew Minikowski
  • James Morrissey

GPS Address for Starr Hall

Energy in Space


Dr. Prasun N. Desai, Deputy Associate Administrator for Management Space Technology Mission Directorate NASA Headquarters

Program Description

Please join us for a special evening with NASA's Dr. Desai as we explore energy aspects to space exploration. Ranging from powering spacecraft to mining asteroids, Dr. Desai will discuss the current programs and the future of energy use as a key to NASA missions. How do international treaties come into play? What about private companies? Take part in this interesting and informative discussion that is sure to be out-of-this-world.

CLE Credit

CT: 1.00 CLE Credits  |  NY: 0.0 CLE Credits


Member Service Center
Phone: (844)469-2221