WEBINAR: Alternative Facts: The Lies of Executive Order 9066 (EEC200609)

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

2:00 PM to 4:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

Ethics logo square_webPresented by the CBA's Executive Committee and Diversity and Inclusion Committee

About the Program

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a violent upsurge of discriminatory, racist, and xenophobic attacks, both physical and verbal, against Asian Americans. Racial scapegoating is not a new phenomenon. Chinese Americans were blamed for the bubonic plague, Japanese Americans were incarcerated by labeling them an “enemy race”, and more recently Mexicans have been characterized as “rapists” and Muslims as “terrorists.” This use of race as a tool to divide and divert attention from shortcomings, together with the disregard of facts and science, has threatened our democracy, and now threatens our safety. Join us for a screening of Alternative Facts: The Lies of Executive Order 9066. This documentary uncovers the untold story of false information and political influence, which led to the World War II incarceration of Japanese Americans and the Supreme Court case of Korematsu. The documentary also examines the parallels to the targeting of minority groups today and similar attempts to abuse the powers of government.

Following the screening, a panel discussion will examine our nation’s history of racial scapegoating; the consequences when alternative facts are substituted for evidence and scientifically supported data; the role of the media; and how we, as a country, can stand together to simultaneously defeat COVID-19 and preserve democracy.

You Will Learn

  • About our nation’s history of racial scapegoating
  • The consequences of substituting alternative facts for scientifically supported data
  • What we can do to stand against hate and support the rule of law

Who Should Attend

Attorneys interested in creating an inclusive and culturally competent society and preserving democracy.




AG Tong Attorney General William Tong
Office of the Attorney General, Hartford

LBannai Prof. Lorraine K. Bannai
Seattle University School of Law, Seattle, WA

Karen Korematsu Dr. Karen Korematsu
Fred T. Korematsu Institute, San Francisco, CA


Nobuhisa Ishizuka Prof. Nobuhisa Ishizuka
Center for Japanese Legal Studies at Columbia Law School, New York, NY

CLE Credit

CT: 1.0 CLE Credit (Ethics)

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