Tuesday, February 16, 2021

5:30 PM to 7:15 PM (Eastern Standard Time)

Zoom Video Meeting

United States

102 people have already registered for this event.

  • Lauress Ackman
  • Colin Gershon
  • Simon Lebo
  • Nancy Tonucci
  • Gina Barry
  • D. Jeanne Messick
  • Joan Wilson
  • Daniel King
  • Jack Reardon
  • Sharon Rosen
  • Deborah Weider-Hatfield
  • James Young
  • Katherine Caulfield
  • Donna Castronovo
  • Mary Dale Lancaster
  • Deborah Eliason
  • Halley Allaire
  • Julia Brown
  • Edward Lang
  • Rebecca Hajosy
  • Lois Andrews
  • Linda Eliovson
  • Christine Tenore
  • Arthur Lewis Stern
  • Paula Sousa
  • G von Schmidt
  • John Curran
  • Marilyn Toland
  • carla Perugini Erickson
  • Alyson Marcucio
  • Mark Pancrazio
  • Amy Todisco
  • Kathleen Hayes
  • Patricia Bowen
  • Regina Lynch
  • Michael Giardina
  • Michelle Beyer
  • Alyssa Sherriff
  • Jennifer Hauhuth
  • Amee Lunn
  • Lillian Babins Miller
  • Joelen Gates
  • James Hughes
  • Leann Blakely
  • Robin Murdock-Meggers
  • Frank May
  • Marialta Z. Sparagna Esq.
  • Valdis Vinkels
  • Linda Bulkovitch
  • Kevin Brophy
  • Jan Rosenthal
  • Joan M Emmet
  • Julia Paul
  • Dwight Weed
  • Carolyn Gould
  • Jillian Judd
  • Colleen Masse
  • Scott Rosenberg
  • Brian Cantor
  • Frederick Dlugokecki
  • Fred Sette
  • giacomo guarnaccia
  • Whitney Lewendon
  • Andrew Philbin
  • Donna Levine
  • Anna-Liisa Nixon
  • Walter Twachtman
  • Steven Floman
  • stephen allaire
  • Claudia Englisby
  • Carmine Perri
  • Nicole O'Connor
  • Erin Duques
  • Rosanna Rogers
  • Amy Orlando
  • April Teveris
  • Denise Mortati
  • Lynda Lee Arnold
  • Stephen Keogh
  • Ruth Fortune
  • George Baker
  • Jeffrey Rivard
  • Matthew Stein
  • Tae Chung
  • Jason Cohen
  • Wade Jensen
  • Tanya Spurlin
  • John Bashaw
  • Lisa Davis
  • Ann Smith
  • Ellen Sutliffe Hain
  • Joel Muhlbaum
  • Sandra Sherlock-White
  • Rachelle Apple
  • Matthew Mercer
  • Franklin Drazen
  • William Breg
  • Mark Dost
  • Cynthia Cartier
  • Nicholas Zebb

Increasing the Asset and Income Limits for Community Spouses of a Medicaid Applicant

Stephen B. Keogh, Keogh, Burkhart & Vetter, Norwalk
Increasing the Community Spouse Protected Amount through a Fair Hearing

Ruth Fortune, Czepiga Daly Pope & Perri LLC, Hartford
Securing a Spousal Support Order to Increase the Community Spouse's Income

George A. Baker, Baker Estate Planning Law, LLC
Using a QDRO to increase the Community Spouse's Protected Assets

Program Description:

Learn how to increase asset and income amounts for the Community Spouse of a Medicaid Applicant beyond the ordinary allowable limits for Medicaid eligibility. Specially, you will learn 1) how to enhance the Community Spouse Protected Amount (CSPA) through a Fair Hearing; 2) how to secure a Spousal Support Order from the Probate Court to increase the income payable to a Community Spouse in excess of the ordinary spousal income diversion allowances; and 3) how to use a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) to increase the protected resources of the Community Spouse.

CLE Credit

1.0 CT Credit | 0.0 NY Credit



Member Service Center
Email: msc@ctbar.org
Phone: (844)469-2221