Thursday, September 8, 2022

8:30 AM to 9:30 AM (Eastern Daylight Time)

Zoom Video Meeting

United States

22 people have already registered for this event.

  • Jennifer Siegel
  • Sara Taylor
  • Lara Stauning
  • Amy Meyerson
  • Keith Soressi
  • Maggie Castinado
  • Dan Brody
  • Francis Brady
  • Peter Benner
  • Brenda Eckert
  • Joshua Devine
  • Daniel Cooper
  • Jennifer Shukla
  • Wendy DiChristina
  • Basam Nabulsi
  • Brenda Eckert
  • Francis Brady
  • Daniel Horgan
  • Ashleigh Backman
  • Kyle LaBuff
  • Adam Cohen
  • Erin O'Neil-Baker


  1. Welcome and Call to Order
  2. Roll Call and Introductions
  3. Approval of Minutes - April 12, 2022 Meeting
  4. Reports:
    1. Co-Chair's Report (Dan Brody)
    2. CBA Pro Bono Programs
      1. CT Free Legal Answers (Jenn Shukla)
      2. Free Legal Advice Clinics (Jenn Shukla)
      3. Bankruptcy Pro Bono (Jenn Shukla or Don Philips)
      4. Emeritus Pro Bono (Jenn Shukla)
      5. Pro Bono Connect (Erin O'Neil-Baker)
      6. Lawyers in Libraries (Kyle LaBuff or Dan Horgan)
    3. Community Pro Bono Updates and Needs
      1. Legal Aid Report (Jamey Bell, Alexis Smith or Deborah Witkin)
      2. Veterans Pro Bono Report (Ashleigh Backman)
      3. Pro Bono Partnership (Sara Taylor)
      4. Other pro bono organizations in attendance (TBD)
    4. Legislative Update (Craig Coulombe)
    5. CBA Staff Liaison (Jenn Shukla)
  5. Call for project chairs or subcommittee participation (Maggie Castinado and Dan Brody)
    1. CT Free Legal Answers, Free Legal Advice Clinics, Pro Bono Connect, Emeritus Pro Bono, Lawyers in Libraries
    2. Marketing/Outreach
    3. Education
  6. Pro Bono Reception October 6th at CBA (Dan Horgan)
  7. YLS Pro Bono Fair October 20th at Hartford Golf Club (YLS)
  8. New Business
  9. Announcements
  10. Adjournment


Member Service Center
Phone: (844)469-2221