Motley Speaker Series | Disparate Outcomes in Criminal Court: The Role of Prosecutorial Discretion

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

Webinar CLE Pass Eligible

United States

CBA-CBF-webThis segment of the Constance Baker Motley Series on Racial Inequality is presented by the Connecticut Bar Association (CBA) and its Diversity and Inclusion Committee, in collaboration and co-sponsorship with the Connecticut Bar Foundation (CBF), and James W. Cooper Fellows.

About the Program

Prosecutors possess extraordinary discretion in deciding which cases and charges to pursue as well as which alternatives to consider. The exercise of this discretion plays a significant role in determining who ends up being convicted and for how long individuals are incarcerated. This program explores this prosecutorial power, discusses relevant Connecticut statistics of criminal justice outcomes and examines the important role of prosecutorial discretion in reducing the disparate racial impact of the criminal justice system.

You Will Learn

• Connecticut statistics of criminal justice outcomes 
• The role of prosecutorial discretion in reducing the disparate racial impact of the criminal justice system


Who Should Attend

Any attorney interested in examining the important role of prosecutorial discretion in reducing the disparate racial impact of the criminal justice system.




Bain1 Tiheba Bain
Women Against Mass Incarceration, Bridgeport

KGBaudoin Headshot1 Kyle Baudoin
Office of the Chief State’s Attorney, Rocky Hill

TaShunBowdenLewis1 TaShun Bowden-Lewis
CT Division of Public Defender Services, Hartford

adavis2 Prof. Angela J. Davis
American University Washington College of Law, Washington DC

PJGriffin1 Patrick Griffin
State of Connecticut Division of Criminal Justice, Harford

Gordon W. Lyde
Waterbury Reentry Welcome Center, Waterbury

Marc Pelka Photo1 Marc Pelka
State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management, Hartford


Justice_Harper2 Justice Lubbie Harper, Jr.
Connecticut Supreme Court, Hartford

CLE Credit

CT: 2.0 CLE Credits (Ethics)

If the seminar is recorded, all member registrants will receive complimentary access to the recording approximately six weeks after the program.

Closed captioning will be available during the seminar presentation for virtual attendees


Member Services Center
Phone: (844)469-2221