Tuesday, February 21, 2023

6:00 PM to 7:30 PM (Eastern Standard Time)

Zoom Video Meeting

United States

73 people have already registered for this event.

  • Amy Orlando
  • Amy Todisco
  • Linda Bulkovitch
  • Joseph Cipparone
  • Brian Cantor
  • Simon Lebo
  • Walter Twachtman
  • Joan Wilson
  • Donna Castronovo
  • Mary Dale Lancaster
  • Leann Blakely
  • Edward Kelleher
  • Jennifer Hauhuth
  • Georgia von Schmidt
  • Jon FitzGerald
  • Gina Barry
  • Kristen Mennillo
  • Barbara Green
  • Jack Reardon
  • James hughes
  • Nancy Tonucci
  • Amanda Smallhorn
  • Suzanne Brown Walsh
  • Colleen Masse
  • Nia Srodoski
  • Christine Tenore
  • Francis Doherty
  • Katherine Caulfield
  • Theresa Madonna
  • Scott Rosenberg
  • Mark Pancrazio
  • Lara Schneider-Bomzer
  • Wallace Williams
  • Lillian Babins Miller
  • Laura Schuyler
  • Tae Chung
  • Jeanne Di Minno
  • John Tunila
  • Rosanna Rogers
  • Carmine Perri
  • Nicole O'Connor
  • Anna Zubkova
  • Kevin Brophy
  • Frank May
  • Ford Madden
  • Linda Eliovson
  • Joseph Crispino
  • Marilyn Toland
  • Lara Stauning
  • Kathryn Guinan
  • Giacomo Guarnaccia
  • Jennifer Reale
  • Alan Zitomer
  • Julia Brown
  • Valdis Vinkels
  • Bryan Keilty
  • Brendan Daly
  • Margaret Roraback
  • Rhoda Micocci
  • Ann Smith
  • Nicholas Zebb
  • James Young
  • Jay Jaser
  • Claudia Englisby
  • Deborah Weider-Hatfield
  • Robin Meggers
  • Edward Landino
  • Kathleen Hayes
  • J Silhavy
  • James McClure
  • Jeffrey Rivard
  • Richard Dixon

Anatomy of a Supplemental Needs Trust


Colleen Masse of Czepiga Daly Pope & Perri

The presentation will cover:

  • Defining the components of a 3rd Party Supplemental Needs Trust
  • Illustrating how to coordinate trust distributions to maximize public benefits
  • Showing the consequences of unintentional drafting errors in a trust document
  • Conclude with a summary of proper third-party planning for a person with special needs

CLE Credit

1.0 CT CLE (General)




Member Service Center
Email: msc@ctbar.org
Phone: (844)469-2221