About the Committee

The Legislative Policy and Review Committee (LPRC) deliberates proposals brought by CBA sections or committees concerning legislation, rules of the CT Superior Court, and state agency or federal regulations. The LPRC conducts a thorough analysis of the requested authorization, the essential legislative or regulatory issue, and the impact on the bar and on Connecticut law. Considered is whether this requested authorization is inconsistent with any other legislative, regulatory, or rule-making position approved through the association.  After thorough discussion, the LPRC makes its recommendation to the governing bodies of the association whether such proposals or positions should be authorized.

The Legislative Policy and Review Committee is appointed annually by the president to staggered three-year terms and consists of at least nine members of the association, two-thirds of whom are to be members of the House of Delegates or Board of Governors or have previously served in that capacity.

Committee Chair

Emily Gianquinto
McCarter & English LLP
CityPlace I, 185 Asylum Street, 36th Floor
Hartford, CT 06103
(860) 275-6742

If you are interested in joining this committee, contact Member Services, msc@ctbar.org

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