About the Committee

The Membership Committee shall have between five and seven members who shall be appointed by the President to staggered three-year terms, and shall include a member of the House of Delegates and a member of the Young Lawyers Section. The Executive Director shall be an ex-officio member. The Committee’s duties shall include the promotion and reaffirmation of membership in the Association by, among other approaches, affirmatively reaching out to the diverse lawyer population of Members and potential members. Consistent with the purpose of the Association, the Committee should advocate the highest level of professionalism, emphasize the common interests of the members of the profession, and foster inclusion within the Association of a broadly diverse membership.

Committee Chair

J.Paul Vance Jr.
Logan, Vance, Sullivan & Kores, LLP
733 East Main Street
Torrington, CT 06790
(860) 489-5000

Kyle LaBuff

Connecticut Division of Criminal Justice
300 Corporate Place
Rocky Hill, CT 06067

If you are interested in joining this committee, contact Member Services, msc@ctbar.org

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