Valli Pendyala reading her poem to the Connecticut Appellate Court judges.
Valli Pendyala reading her poem to the Connecticut Appellate Court judges.
The Connecticut Bar Association's Civics Education Committee held its annual Law Day Celebration on Friday, May 3, 2019 at the Connecticut Appellate Court in Hartford. Students from Timothy Edwards Middle School in South Windsor were joined by Secretary of the State Denise W. Merrill, CBA President Jonathan M. Shapiro, Civics Education Committee Chair Ralph J. Monaco, and committee members Hon. Susan B. Handy, Kathryn A. Calibey, Lawrence F. Morizio, and Jonathan Weiner.

Law Day is a national effort to celebrate the rule of law, providing an opportunity to understand how law and the legal profession protect our liberty, strive to achieve justice, and contribute to the freedoms that all Americans share. This year's theme, declared by the American Bar Association, was "Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society."

Students participated by depicting one of the provided scenarios relating to the five freedoms of the First Amendment—religion, press, speech, assembly, and petition—by poetry, either by writing a poem or creating a poetry slam performance, or by creating an art poster. The top four winning projects were presented by Dhanya Chasmawala, Sofia King, Valli Pandyala, Ria Saxena, and Nathan Silvia in front of Chief Judge Alexandra D. DiPentima, Judge William H. Bright, Jr., Judge Christine E. Keller, Judge Douglas S. Lavine, and Judge Eliot D. Prescott.

After their presentations, the judges mingled with the students to learn more about their projects before eating lunch at the Secretary of the State's office where each student received a citation from Denise W. Merrill recognizing them for their participation in the 2019 Law Day.

For more photos of this event, visit our "2019 Law Day" Facebook album!

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Timothy Edwards Middle School students with Connecticut Supreme Court Chief Justice Richard A. Robinson,
Connecticut Appellate Court Chief Judge Alexandra D. DiPentima, Secretary of the State Denise W. Merrill,
CBA President Jonathan M. Shapiro, and CBA Civics Education Committee members.