• Sep 19
    Attracting and Retaining Law Firm Talent Post Pandemic (EDU240919)
    Webinar - CLE Pass Eligible
    2:00 PM to 4:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

    This seminar will explore the current platforms available for attracting talent into a law firm setting including cost and tips for using platforms like Indeed and LinkedIn as well as other non-traditional methods of accessing and attracting talent. The seminar will then shift to retaining the talent and key topics to be discussed will be accessibility of benefits, benefits available, benefit offering cost/benefit, and retirement plans and options. The seminar will close with the presenter's recommendations regarding the above as the owner of a growing law firm in Connecticut.

  • Sep 24
    Labor & Employment Law Section Meeting (SLE240924)
    Café Amici
    1640 Whitney Ave
    Hamden, Connecticut
    United States
    6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)