About Our Section

The purpose of the LGBT Section is to promote the educational and professional objectives of the Connecticut Bar Association within the practice area of issues and concerns to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (“LGBT”) individuals in the profession, which includes (1) monitoring the progress and enhancing the status and opportunities available to LGBT individuals in the legal profession; (2) providing LGBT attorneys, as well as, non-LGBT individuals that are members of the Connecticut Bar Association with an opportunity to share concerns, communicate, and network with one another in a supportive forum; and (3) promoting the participation of the Connecticut Bar Association in substantive areas of law and legislation that present issues of particular concern to LGBT individuals in the profession, and to those who seek legal services. The Section shall achieve these purposes by providing relevant Continuing Legal Education to its members, providing relevant updates to its members of important developments concerning the practice area, fostering discussion of current issues affecting the practice area, and engaging in legislative advocacy on issues relating to the practice area, in accordance with procedures established by the Connecticut Bar Association.

Section Executive Committee

Jenna Cutler
Barclay Damon LLP
545 Long Wharf Drive, Ste 900
New Haven, CT 06511

Vice Chair
Yamuna Menon

State of Connecticut - Office of the State Comptroller
165 Capitol Ave
Hartford, CT 06106

Bianca LoGiurato

Pullman & Comley LLC
850 Main St, PO Box 7006
Bridgeport, CT 06604

Audrey Trace
Leason Ellis LLP
One Barker Avenue, Fifth Floor
White Plains, NY 10601
(914) 288.0022

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