About Our Task Force
The CBA has convened a State of the Legal Profession Task Force to begin a dialogue with the Connecticut legal community and make recommendations for how we can reduce legal costs, improve legal efficiency, and better manage legal dockets.
The Task Force will review and build on the knowledge and work product created by the American Bar Association and numerous task forces across the country to advance opportunities for lawyers to practice law in a more sustainable, financially viable, and customer-centric manner. The Task Force will also work to develop cost effective and efficient legal support models legal professionals can use, which may include models that optimize the use of other legal professionals, partnering with online legal service providers and other business and technology entities, and educating lawyers on the ethics rules, especially limited scope.
One major goal of the CBA Task Force is to submit recommendations by the fall of 2021. The Task Force will then continue to identify, track, and assess ongoing legal innovations and initiatives in other jurisdictions to ensure that Connecticut remains at the forefront on these issues.
To accomplish these goals, the CBA Task Force will include five sub-committees.