New Well-Being Feature in The CBA Docket

Written Monday, July 6, 2020 by Dr. Traci Cipriano, Co-chair of the Lawyer Well-Being Committee

Dear Fellow CBA Members:

It is an honor and a privilege to be your incoming co-chairs of the Lawyer Well-Being Committee.

The need to promote lawyer well-being has been greatly amplified over the past several months. COVID-19 has created a multitude of professional and personal stressors, including quarantine fatigue, work-life balance difficulties, economic fallout, and concerns about the health and safety of loved ones. In addition, protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death, and many other racially charged incidents, have challenged most of us to think more deeply about race, including re-evaluating our personal biases and how our offices deal with diversity.

The Lawyer Well-Being Committee is adding a feature to The CBA Docket and would like to hear from you. What challenges are you or your firm or organization facing? How you are managing? We hope the sharing of knowledge, experiences, insights, and tips will not only help you think about what you are doing to promote well-being, but also do more to improve your own self-care and to promote it within your firm.

  • Share how your firm or organization is addressing well-being in general, COVID-related anxiety, or diversity and inclusion.
  • Share your personal healthy strategies for managing your stress.
  • Ask a question about how to better manage stressors and stress, or a work-life related challenge.

We will pick one of your submissions, or questions (please be assured questions will be anonymous), to feature each month, or more frequently, depending upon interest and submissions. Please send your stories and questions to If you have privacy concerns, you can email Traci directly at

This section of The CBA Docket is a work in progress. Our goal is to fill it with content and features that are helpful and of interest to members and we look forward to your suggestions.

We are excited for the year ahead and look forward to working with you to best meet the well-being needs of our members!

All the best,

Traci & Tan


Traci Cipriano, JD, PhD, LLC
Consultation, Training, Coaching

Tanyee Cheung
Partner, Finn Dixon & Herling