As this year of unprecedented challenges winds down and we reflect on all that we have experienced, it is also a good time to take self-care action and create some of our own challenges—as in challenging ourselves to promote our well-being! Create a friendly competitive “challenge” with a colleague, friend, or family member, with a “prize” for the winner at the end of the month.
Consider a commitment to doing some or all of the following on a daily basis. Perhaps commit to adding one new thing a day, or every few days. This list is not exclusive, so feel free to add other health promoting behaviors.
- Get at least 20 minutes of exercise each day.
- Drink several glasses of water each day.
- Get at least 7 hours of sleep at night.
- Check the news only twice a day.
- Turn off your mobile phone for 15 minutes.
- Do something for someone else.
- Thank someone else for something they did that made things easier or made your day brighter.
- Engage in a restorative healthy activity.
- Replace that second cup of coffee with decaf, tea, or water.
- Substitute a soothing cup of decaf tea for that glass of wine or cocktail.
- Reach for a healthy raw food snack instead of processed foods.
- Practice compassion, for yourself and others. Recognize these are trying times for all and let the little things go.

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