Editorial Policy and Purpose

Compensation Quarterly (CQ) is an independent and non-partisan publication which tracks developments in the area of workers’ compensation as practiced in the State of Connecticut. It is the purpose of CQ to foster the goals of the Workers’ Compensation Section of the Connecticut Bar Association and it is provided to Section members as part of their dues. Individual, non-member and bulk subscriptions are available. Readers of CQ should refer to the complete decisions of case citations for full details. CQ and its authors do not render legal advice by means of this publication.

Publishing and editorial decisions are based on the editors’ judgment of the quality and length of the writing, the timeliness of the article and the potential interest of the readers of CQ as well as the fair presentation of material consistent with professional standards.

From time to time, CQ will publish articles dealing with controversial issues. The statements, opinions or conclusions are those of the author and may not reflect the official policy of the Workers’ Compensation Section and/or the Connecticut Bar Association. No endorsement of those views should be inferred unless specifically identified as the official policy of the Workers’ Compensation Section or the Connecticut Bar Association.

Board of Editors

Frank V. Costello

Craig Abbott
Daniel P. Bishop
Scott Carta
Donna Civitello
Margaret E. Crawford
Katherine E. Dudack
James P. Henke
Mark Merrow
Maribeth McGloin
Meghan Woods