CTL Cover - Vol 27 No 5 Volume 27, Number 5

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  • Impressive Honorees Inspire the Legal Community By Leanna Zwiebel
    The CBA's annual awards celebration, "Celebrate with the Stars," was a resounding success. Learn about the inspiring speeches along with the night's festivities in this recap.
  • CBA Hosts Sold Out Legal Conference By Leanna Zwiebel
    Recapture the events of the CBA's annual legal conference. This year's sold out event was a day filled with educational seminars, networking opportunities, and recognition that drew in legal professionals from throughout the state.
  • The Rise of AirBnb and Short Term Rentals and the Implications for Local Zoning Regulations By Jason A. Klein
    For more than a decade, states across the country have had an increase in the amount of short term rentals, thanks to websites such as "AirBnb." Since these short term rentals posses both residential and commercial characteristics, states are enacting zoning controls to ensure the appropriate growth of this emerging use.
  • The Case of the Missing Comma By Elizabeth C. Yen
    This article discusses a recent case that United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit was called upon to analyze a Maine overtime wage statute due to a potentially missing serial comma.
  • Overlooked Insurance Aspects of Bicycle and Recreational Accidents By Edward Monico, MD, JD and Seth Powsner, MD
    Emergency physicians are familiar with bicycle related accidents; however, cyclists may still suffer insurance and other legal consequences. This article addresses the recreational and legal complications of amateur and recreational cycling activities, including charity bike races.


  • Court Decisions | Highlights from Recent Superior Court Decisions
  • CBA News & Events • The Honorable Maria A. Kahn Receives 2017 Ladder Award • GLAD Honors State Comptroller Kevin Lembo for LGBTQ Advocacy • CBA Celebrates 2017 Law Day • Gregory D'Auria Appointed as a Supreme Court Associate Justice • Governor Malloy Appoints CBA Members for Judgeship • Pathways to Legal Careers Program Launches • Members Making a Difference • YLS Holds Annual Legislative Breakfast • Peers & Cheers