Elder Law Section: Connecticut Standards of Practice for Conservators (SEL190424)

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

5:30 PM to 8:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

UConn School of Law

55 Elizabeth St, Starr Reading Room, Hartford, Connecticut, United States

87 people have already registered for this event.

  • Catherine Lester Salchert
  • Joelen Gates
  • Malcolm Barlow
  • Rhoda Micocci
  • Brian F Cunningham
  • Mark Dost
  • Tanya Spurlin
  • Brendan Daly
  • D. Jeanne Messick
  • claudia englisby
  • Karyl Hall
  • Virginia Teixeira
  • Sally Zanger
  • Paula Sousa
  • Stephen Allaire
  • Sarah Gager
  • James Hughes
  • Maxine Matta
  • Kimberly Zigich
  • Nicholas Zebb
  • Matthew Haine
  • Martin Landgrebe
  • James O'Sullivan
  • Matthew Vaccarelli
  • Elisa Bartlett
  • Amy Todisco
  • Sean Michael Peoples
  • Kathleen Tetreault
  • Hon. Paul Knierim
  • C. Neville
  • Christine Bjorkman
  • Robin Meggers
  • Julia Paul
  • Thomas Robinson
  • Jack Reardon
  • Michael Broderick
  • Jeannine Lewis
  • Kathleen Congero
  • Peter Boorman
  • Karolyn Ryan
  • William Breg
  • Elizabeth Tavelli
  • Nancy Tonucci
  • Jennifer Reale
  • Carmine Perri
  • Christina Accumanno
  • Nicole O'Connor
  • Halley Allaire
  • jane starkowski
  • Tae Chung
  • Patricia Phillips
  • Norman Fishbein
  • Kathleen Berry
  • Gayle Watterworth
  • Barbara Hance
  • Barbara Gardner-Riordan
  • Christine Tenore
  • Linda Bulkovitch
  • Francis Arevalo
  • Jennifer Buckler
  • Eric Ciardiello
  • Julienne Cutaia
  • Jonathan Donovan
  • Hannah Kalichman
  • Edward Kamradt
  • Kileigh Nassau
  • Katelyn Peowski
  • Debra Fortune Tomasino
  • Cheryl White Mink
  • Trevor White
  • Henry Zaccardi
  • Yukun Zhang
  • Nathan Kraner
  • Whitney Lewendon
  • Kevin Brophy
  • Sandra Sherlock-White
  • Peter Barrett
  • Alan Zitomer
  • Jason Cohen
  • Katherine McCann
  • Evelyn Daly
  • William Kinley
  • Sharon Pope
  • Frank May
  • Laurel Mangan
  • Carolanne Rowe
  • Mary Lancaster


Honorable Paul J. Knierim
Honorable Jeannine Lewis
Honorable Peter C. Barrett
Sandra Sherlock White, Esq

Program Description

Attendees will leave with an understanding of the context for the creation of the Connecticut Standards of Practice for Conservators, published in 2018 by the Office of the Probate Court Administrator, and why this initiative is vitally important to enhancing outcomes for conserved individuals. Attendees will learn about the contents of the Standards, and will receive practical tips for complying with the Standards, guidance on best practices for serving as conservator or advising a conservator, advice on avoidance of common pitfalls, and insight from a panel of probate judges and an elder law practitioner to assist conservators in navigating the practical realities of a very dynamic and human area of the law.

Program Topics

  • Context for the creation of the Standards of Practice for Conservators
  • Standards being discussed: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, and 23
  • Discussion of the underlying ethical principles for conservators

CLE Credit

CT: 2.0 CLE Credits | NY: 0.0 CLE Credits


Member Service Center
Email: msc@ctbar.org
Phone: (844)469-2221