May 11, 2023

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

Zoom Video Meeting

United States

17 people have already registered for this event.

  • Sara Taylor
  • Brenda Eckert
  • Jennifer Shukla
  • Andrew O'Toole
  • Maggie Castinado
  • Kyle LaBuff
  • Basam Nabulsi
  • Ann-Marie DeGraffenreidt
  • Don Philips
  • Ashleigh Backman
  • Wendy DiChristina
  • Christina Mohr
  • Adam Cohen
  • Karen Berris
  • Dan Brody
  • Alison Weir
  • Marc Finer


  1. Welcome and Call to Order; Roll Call (Chairs)
  2. Approval of Minutes -January 5, 2023 & March 16, 2023
  3. Reports:
    1. Co-Chair's Report (Chairs)
    2. CBA Pro Bono Programs
      1. Free Legal Advice Clinics (Wendy DiChristina)
      2. Bankruptcy Pro Bono (Don Philips)
      3. Pro Bono Connect (Erin O'Neil-Baker)
      4. Lawyers in Libraries (Kyle LaBuff or Dan Horgan)
      5. CT Free Legal Answers and Emeritus(Jenn Shukla)
    3. Community Pro Bono Updates and Needs
      1. Legal Aid Report (Jamey Bell, Alexis Smith or Deborah Witkin)
      2. Veterans Pro Bono Report (Alison Weir)
      3. Pro Bono Partnership (Sara Taylor)
      4. Other pro bono organizations in attendance (TBD)
    4. Legislative Update (Cohen)
  4. New Business
  5. Announcements (Chairs)
    1. Congratulations to pro bono award recipients at Celebrate with the Stars
    2. CT Legal Conference and pro bono CLE o June 5
    3. CBA Summer Picnic on June 25
  6. Adjournment and Next Meeting Dates


Member Service Center
Phone: (844)469-2221