District of Connecticut Bench-Bar Conference (SFP221027)

Thursday, October 27, 2022

8:00 AM to 3:45 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

St. Clements Castle

1931 Portland-Cobalt Road, Portland, Connecticut, United States

The Federal Practice Section will sponsor the 11th biennial Bench-Bar Conference at Saint Clements Castle. All members of the bar are invited. Chief Judge Stefan R. Underhill has encouraged the district’s judges to forgo scheduling court proceedings so that we can assemble for a convivial and informative retreat.


8:00 a.m. Breakfast and Registration

Welcome and Introduction
Jonathan J. Einhorn
, Conference Chair
Allison Near and Craig Raabe, Federal Practice Section Co-Chairs

State of the District
The Honorable Stefan R. Underhill
, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut

Emily Bazelon Discusses Recent SCOTUS Developments
Emily Bazelon
, Journalist
Attorney Josh Goodbaum, Garrison Levin-Epstein Fitzgerald & Pirrotti PC, New Haven
Josh Goodbaum will interview journalist, author and senior research fellow at the Yale Law School, Emily Bazelon.

Presentation on the POWER Act

Influence is Your Superpower
Zoe Chance, 
Behavioral scientist, author and teacher
Professor Zoe Chance, teaches the most popular course at Yale's School of Management on Influence and Persuasion, areas which affect both our professional and personal lives.

Lunch | Presentation by the Judges of the District Court of awards for Pro Bono Practice, for Service on the Grievance Committee, and for Service as a Parajudicial Officer.

State of the Circuit
The Honorable William J. Nardini
, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

Practical Tips from our Magistrate Judges
Magistrate Judge Robert A. Richardson and Magistrate Judge Robert M. Spector will discuss practical tips for dealing with our Magistrate Judges.

Reception (light appetizers and cash bar)

CLE Credit

CT: 4.25 CLE


Private Sector - $165
Public Sector - $75
Judges and Law Clerks - No Charge

If you register to attend this event in-person, you must affirm that you am fully vaccinated for COVID-19 in accordance with CDC recommendations, or that you will obtain a viral COVID test administered by a healthcare professional within the 72 hours preceding the event, and only attend the in-person event if the test is negative. Amendment to the CBA In-person Visitor and Event Attendance Policy to require a negative COVID-19 rapid test the morning of the Federal Practice Bench Bar Conference on October 27, 2022, and wearing of a protective mask throughout the conference, except while eating/drinking or presenting.



Member Service Center
Phone: (844)469-2221