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Diversity and Inclusion Policy

The Connecticut Bar Association is committed to diversity in its membership, officers, staff, House of Delegates, Board of Governors, executive committee, sections and committees, and their respective leaders. Diversity is an inclusive concept encompassing gender, gender identity, race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, and disability.

We are a richer and more effective association because of diversity, as it increases our association’s strengths, capabilities, and adaptability. Through increased diversity, our organization can more effectively address member and societal needs with the varied perspectives, experiences, knowledge, information, and understanding inherent in a diverse relationship.

Unanimously approved by the CBA House of Delegates on 03/23/15.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee

The Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee is charged with implementing the Diversity and Inclusion Policy and will adopt, monitor, and promote a diversity and inclusion plan to achieve a genuine, sustainable diverse and inclusive environment within the CBA, throughout its membership and the Connecticut legal community at large.

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The Connecticut Legal Community’s Diversity & Inclusion Pledge & Plan

The Pledge and Plan brings together legal leaders in the state to enhance diversity and inclusion in the Connecticut legal community. Connecticut legal organizations can sign a pledge to create more diverse and inclusive environments and be apart of a collective plan to achieve this goal.

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Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Summit

 The Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Summit: The Collaborative Blueprint is an innovative and collaborative professional development experience designed to empower leaders in the legal profession to act toward making Connecticut a more diverse and inclusive bench and bar. Through collaborative workshops and panel discussions, you will gain knowledge and inspiration to help you lead your organization into a revolutionary transformation that will make a positive effect in the realm of diversity and inclusion in the state of Connecticut.

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CBA Pipeline Initiatives

CBA Pipeline Initiative programs encouraging talented and diverse students to consider a legal career.

LAW Camp

Pathways to Legal Careers

CBA Future of the Legal Profession Scholars Program

The CBA Future of the Legal Profession Scholarship Program (FLPSP) aims to address the lack of representation in the legal field and to increase the pipeline of diverse talent that enters the legal profession in Connecticut. As part of the program, participants will receive a scholarship to take the LSAT preparation course and participate in events and programs to prepare them for their law school journey and engage them with the Connecticut legal community.
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Member Spotlights

  • GIDEON-ASEMNOR Black History Month Member Spotlight | Gideon Asemnor

    Monday, February 20, 2023

    Gideon Asemnor is currently an attorney at Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey. His practice areas include commercial litigation, employment law, construction litigation, real estate litigation, collections, and general litigation.
  • Lawrence S. Roberts II Native American Heritage Month Member Spotlight | Lawrence S. Roberts II

    Tuesday, November 22, 2022

    Attorney Lawrence S. Roberts II is Attorney General for the Mohegan Tribe and works on a variety of federal Indian Law issues. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and a citizen of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin.
  • Candace V. Fay Native American Heritage Month Member Spotlight | Candace V. Fay

    Tuesday, November 15, 2022

    Candace V. Fay is a solo practitioner with offices located in Danbury and New Canaan. She routinely represents the underprivileged and disenfranchised in a variety of matters and has provided pro bono services through the Secretary of State’s Legal Assistance Project and the Connecticut Bar Association’s Lawyers in Libraries program.