Well-Being Videos

  • Self Compassion Mediatation Tanyee Cheung
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  • Joy Meditation Tanyee Cheung
    0:00 / 0:00

  • One MInute Breathing Tip by Kevin Ferry
    0:00 / 0:00

  • flaherty-part-3_staying-well-and-balanced
    0:00 / 0:00

  • flaherty-part-2_law-school-and-passing-the-bar
    0:00 / 0:00

  • flaherty-part-1_becoming-a-lawyer
    0:00 / 0:00

Take the Well-Being Pledge

The CBA Lawyer Well-Being Committee has developed the Connecticut Bar Association Well-Being Pledge to highlight and promote important aspects of lawyer well-being and healthy work environments. The Pledge asks you to commit your firm or organization to well-being initiatives and provides space for writing out three objectives for enhanced well-being.

CBA Well-Being Pledge Introductory Letter

Well-Being Pledge Commitment Form 2022


Well-Being News

  • Be Well | Identifying Burnout

    Monday, February 22, 2021

    When was the last time you checked in with yourself? A daily self-check helps us to stay attuned to how we are feeling and behaving, and can help us to recognize early warning signs of burnout.
  • Be Well | Well-Being Pledge

    Friday, February 5, 2021

    CBA Lawyer Well-Being Committee Co-Chair Traci Cipriano encourages hope and resiliency and introduces the forthcoming Well-Being Pledge.

Well-Being Apps

Free Apps

Insight Timer
Smiling Mind
UCLA Mindful
Healthy Minds
Relax Now
[App Store | Google Play Store]

Basic meditation is free, some apps have premium pricing for added features